NCGWA Member Benefits
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The North Carolina Ground Water association provides the leadership and support needed to raise the level of proficiency and professionalism among drillers and others in the industry and to educate the public with regard to the benefits derived from the utilization of drilled water wells. Services are aimed at keeping members up to date on the state of the industry. Services include the following:
- Subscription to the Water Words newsletter.
- Benefits of a regulatory/legislative watch by the Association to alert members to changes that effect the industry.
- Opportunities to have input into statewide legislation and regulation.
- Assistance to contractors in educating the general public on the safety of ground water and the need to protect it by proper well construction techniques.
- Registration discounts for the NCGWA Winter Conference and Trade Show, NCGWA Fall Meeting and the South Atlantic Well Drillers Jubilee.
- Access to National Ground Water Association certification opportunities, educational workshops and training sessions.
NCGWA is a proud sponsor of continuing education. As a member of NCGWA, you will receive current up-to-date information on continuing education and discount rates to attend classes. The Association provides education and training opportunities to its members to help them increase proficiency in this rapidly changing industry.
The North Carolina Ground Water Association is affiliated with the National Ground Water Association and works with NGWA in its efforts to serve the water well industry.
The North Carolina Ground Water Association was established in 1946. It is the only organization that specifically represents the professional and business interests of the North Carolina water well contractor and pump installer while, at the same time, supporting scientific and educational measures designed to preserve the natural resources upon which the industry is based. Today, the ground water industry is facing a number of challenges—challenges that reflect growing concern for the ground water quantity, challenges that are generated from a rapidly changing technology, and challenges stemming from public misconceptions regarding the quality and safety of ground water. The Association addresses these challenges by providing services designed to accomplish the following purposes:
- to assist, promote and encourage and support the interests and welfare of the ground water industry in all of its phases within the State of North Carolina;
- to foster, aid and promote scientific education, standardization, research and development in order to improve methods of well construction and to advance the science of ground water hydrology;
- to promote harmony and cooperation between the ground water industry and governmental and scientific agencies relative to the proper development, utilization and protection of underground water supplies;
- to encourage cooperation of all interested groups relative to the improvement of drilling and pumping equipment;
- to collect, analyze and disseminate to the public, facts about the utilization and protection of ground water and about the role of the ground water industry in the economy of the State of North Carolina and the Nation; and,
- to advance generally the mutual interest of all those engaged in the ground water industry.